APPL55738 - 3 UNITS
Web Application Development 1 - (AD) Web apps with
SQL Server Users:Creating Logins & and User in SQL Server 2005. Books (for AD)
[6.25%] Questions from Week 3 (Sept 28) Handout - DUE Oct5th
[ 20% ] Midterm Exam (Week 7)
[ 30% ] Personal Project Due Dec 8th
[ 25% ] Client Project Due Dec 15th
General Programming Notes Below is a collection of notes and resources regarding general programming concepts and principals. They were originally developed for the Director course but are being made available here. While the code examples are in Lingo the concepts are the same for all langauges.
Introductions & Overview (Lesson 1) Sep 14th
Lesson 1 - Introductions & Overview
Installing AdventureWorksDownload the AdventureWorks DB - From the IMM Server Download the AdventureWorks DB - From TheBSOD Server Below is the command to execute as a query to install the AdventureWorks DB into SQL Server 2005 Note: if you changed the destination directory in the installer you must replace the path you see below with the correct path to your files. exec sp_attach_db @dbname=N'AdventureWorks', @filename1=N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\AdventureWorks_Data.mdf', @filename2=N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\AdventureWorks_log.ldf' Database Structure - Data Modeling (Lesson 2) Sep 21st
Lesson 2 - Database Structure - Relational Vs Dimensional
Advanced SQL (Lesson 3) Sep 28th
Lesson 3 - Advanced SQL
Lab: Model and Construct a Database (Lesson 4) Oct 5th
Lesson 4 - Lab: Model and Construct a Database
Server Side Programming and the .NET Framework (Lesson 5) Oct 12th
Lesson 5 - Server Side Programming and the .NET Framework
Learning the Fundamentals of Visual Studio
Lesson 6 - Learning the Fundamentals of Visual Studio
Programming With C#
Lesson 8 - Programming With C#
Database Access With C#
Lesson 9 - Database Access With C#
Additional information will be posted on a weekly basisPlease be advised that there will be a Week 8 Class in ADInteractive Multimedia ~ School of Applied Engineering and Computing Sciences ~ Sheridan |